

If you are reading this in May 2012 – welcome – thanks for taking a look. The site is slowly growing at the moment, but there are a few bits on it already and lots more to come.

At the moment, the content is mostly about the history and development of Palmers Green (see ‘places, people and “artistic villas”), but the idea  – in fact the whole aim of creating this site- is to develop it with sections on the people who live and work here now, pictures and memories contributed by PG residents, and features on current activities, issues, as well as curiosities and hopefully some things which are amusing and fun. 

Please add us to your ‘Favourites’. And please please please contribute! You might want to expand a section, add completely new content, provide pictures (double yes please!!) or suggest new ideas. And please tell me what you think.  This site is intended to be for, and by, everyone.

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