

According to The Place Names of Middlesex by JEB Gover, the earliest known reference to Palmeresfeld on the west side of present day Green Lanes between Fox Lane and St John’s Church


Records indicate that Stephen Le Claper owned lands in the area – a possible derivation of the name Clappers Green.


A family called Fox are living at the Southgate end of what becomes Fox Lane. The name Palmer is also mentioned in deeds from the 14th-16th centuries.


Earliest recorded reference to The Cock Inn, an ancient establishment on the corner of Green Lanes and Bowes Road s


John Broomfield sells land in the area to Geofrey Walkaden


The first Broomfield House built, possibly as a hunting lodge for James 1 while Theobalds was being prepared


The earliest known mention of Palmers Grene, according to Alan Dumayne


Contender for the throne Lady Arabella Stuart (1575-1615) is rumoured to have rested at the Cock Inn after escaping from the Tower of London, disguised as a man (she was later recaptured at sea and returned to the Tower, where she died).


Weld Chapel built in Southgate. The weathervane eventually finds its way to a forge on the North Circular Road. The forge building,and the weathervane, are still there.  (The chapel was demolished to make way for Christ Church Southgate)


Winchmore Hill born Elizabeth Sawyer is executed in 1621 after allegedly cursing a neighbour who dies soon after. The events are commemorated in the play The Witch of Edmonton.


Murals painted at Broomfield House by Gerrard Lanscroon


The two cottages which are later to become the Woodman Pub are built


Walker Gray, a Quaker brewer from Tottenham,  builds Southgate Grove, later to become known as Grovelands House.  The house was designed by John Nash and the gardens by Humphrey Repton, who is also believed to have chosen the location.


Population recorded as 2000 in the 1811 census


Powys family, who were probably already living in the area, buy Broomfield House


Death of Walker Gray. Southgate Grove and extensive surrounding lands amounting to 250 acres inherited by his nephew John Donnithorne Taylor. Taylor purchases as much additional land as possible over the next 50 years, keen to preserve the rural character of the lands surrounding his home.


The Great Northern Railway obtains permission to build a new line to run from Wood Green to Hertford.


John Flaxman accidentally shot at the Dog and Duck by his landlord John Dawes


Railway extended through open countryside from Wood Green (Alexandra Palace) to Palmers Green. The first trains run through Palmers Green and Southgate Station on 1 April. There were 16 services a day into the centre of London.


Sir Ralph Littler, an eminent barrister, becomes tenant at Broomfield House, remaining there until 1901 when the Powys’s give him notice and put the house and grounds on the market


Population recorded in the census as 8289 in 1694 houses

Palmers Green, Winchmore Hill and Southgate become administratively separate from Edmonton, following a campaign led by Sir Ralph Littler


Death of John Donnithorne Taylor, who by this time holds 600 acres in the area. The estate passes to his son Major Robert Kirkpatrick Taylor


Southgate Town Hall completed.  The building was designed by Arthur Rowland Barker, under instruction to make the building look like a private house.  “A town hall in a turnip field’ said one local wag, commenting in the still largely rural nature of Palmers Green (happy now?)


Southgate officially becomes an urban district following the Local Government Act of 1894

The first Skinners almshouses built at the junction of Fox Lane and Green Lanes


Dog and Duck pub rebuilt


Dog and Duck Lane officially renamed Bourne Hill. Some residents are in the habit of calling it ‘The Bone’


Following the death of Major Robert Kirkpatrick Taylor, the Taylor estate is put up for sale in 13 lots

Purchase of Broomfield House and 54 acres of ground by Southgate District Council


Broomfield Park opens to the public


Last record of animals being held in the Pound – a pig, and later in the year, 9 horses who were released unlawfully by their owners

Fox Inn rebuilt


Foundation stone of Palmers Green Baptist Church is laid

Palmers Green High School is opened at 1 Osbourne Road by Miss Hum. Stevie Smith and Flora Robson are early pupils


Southgate County School founded in temporary premises at Broomfield House


Trams introduced along Green Lanes, terminating in Winchmore Hill

Hazelwood School built. It opened its doors in November 1908, with 379 pupils. The first headmistress was Mrs Goulden, whose husband was Herbert Goulden, brother of Mrs Pankhurst. Goulden spoke at the meeting in support of the suffregettes which turned into a riot in 1914. See elsewhere on the site for the full story.

Clappers Green Farm sold; a plot is bought by Middlesex County Council for the new Southgate County School


Congregational Church Hall in Fox Lane completed

A sister school to the Winchmore Hill Collegiate is set up in Amberley Hall, Fox Lane, run by Mrs Tremblett Wood.

The rib, thighbone and tooth of a woolly mammoth is found with other parts of a skeleton in Hedge Lane.

A mesolithic flint axe head is found in Ulleswater Road.


Southgate County School opens in Fox Lane in September

64 acres of the Grovelands Estate which had not been sold in 1902 is bought by Southgate Urban District Council for a public park


Sale of the Lodge estate (this had been included in the sale of 1902 but not reached the asking price)

Swimming banned in the lakes at Broomfield Park, due to fears of risk to swimmers from pollution.

218 coins are found in Amberley Road, dating from the time of Henry III and Alexander II of Scotland.


Pilot Jack de Manio crashes his Bleriot plane on the roof of 75 Derwent Road

Queens cinema opens in November 1912

Tram network extended to Enfield


Foundation stones are laid for the Congregational Church in Burford Gardens (later the United Reformed Church) and St Monica’s Green Lanes

Part of the Grovelands Estate purchased by Southgate District Council for a new public park


Britain declares war on Germany following Germany’s invasion of Belgium

A Suffragette meeting is held at the Triangle, to local indignation. The principal speaker is Mr Goulden (the husband of Mrs Laura Goulden, the first headmistress of Hazelwood School), a brother of Mrs Pankhurst. Mr Goulden is rescued from angry residents by the  police, and taken home to Radcliffe Road, where protestors proceed to pelt his house with eggs.

Extensive alterations to the Town Hall, including the addition of a clock tower


3 September – a wood-framed Shutte Lanz SL11 airship is brought down over Cuffley, just behind The Plough by 2nd Lt William Leefe Robinson, who is awarded the Victoria Cross.

A second airship, this time a Zeppelin L31 crashes on 1 October in Potters Bar, having first been hit as it flew over the City of London by pilot W J Tempest, who is awarded the DSO.


End of the First World War


The Palmadium cinema opens its doors for the first time on Christmas Eve


Broomfield Museum opens in Broomfield Park


Arrival of ‘the talkies’ in UK cinemas


Palmers Green’s population reaches 55570 in 14,750 houses


Piccadilly Line extends to Southgate

Southgate becomes a municipal borough, entitling it to a mayor and aldermen and councillors, who met in the council chambers


Intimate Theatre is opened by John Clements (later Sir John Clements) in St Monica’s Church Hall


Trams replaced by trolley busses

Tatum Park is opened


Germany invades Poland; Second World War begins


Library opens behind the Town Hall on 6 April


At 8.45 on 5 March a bomb explodes in Tottenhall Road, and a second bomb hits the Princes Dance Hall on Green Lanes.  127 people are inside and several are injured but there are only two fatalities. However, a further 41 are killed on a passing bus caught in the blast. 14 shops are  destroyed and a further 17 have to be demolished.

There is outcry on the discovery that meat roll served at local Britsh Restaurants (run by the council) has been adulterated with horse meat and that the council’s catering officer is in possession of unfeasibly large supplies of custard powder, probably intended for the black market. Police swarm the Town Hall at Palmers Green and there are calls for the council to resign. They dont, but the catering officer is successfully prosecuted


On 26 October 53 people are injured when a V2 rocket falls in front of a train standing at the platform at Palmers Green. The crater left by the explosion is 60 feet wide and 30 feet deep. Trains are running again after two days.


Second World War ends.


The Palmadium cinema closes


Following the Local Government Act of 1963 Palmers Green becomes part of the London Borough of Enfield


January – Skinners almshouses destroyed by fire


Queens Cinema closes


Railway electrified


An electrical fault starts a fire on the ground floor of Broomfield House, destroying the roof and further water damage following the collapse of the roof.


The buildings and grounds of Southgate County School are converted into flats and 35 houses. The westerly end of the public footpath through the old Clappers Green Farm is blocked.


Two further fires at Broomfield House


Grouts the drapers closes its doors for the last time.


The first Palmers Green Festival is held. Talkies Community Cinema is launched. Palmers Green Jewel in the North limps into life.


13 replies on “Timeline”

I have a lovely fusée clock, the face of which reads “F. R. Taylor Palmers Green”. Bought it at Chelsea Antiques Market 42 years ago, still runs wonderfully well. Heavier brass in works may indicate a late 1800’s provenance. Wonder if anyone knows if this came from a shop or estate office in P.G. in that period. Related to original Taylor family? John

Hi! I lived in P.G. From when I was 2 in 1937 until I married in 1954 then again 1963 to 68. Have so much knowledge of the area I wouldn’t know where to start.

This is a great site – well done and keep up the good work. A couple of thoughts about the timeline: while the establishment of the other churches is noted, I miss any reference to St John’s. Given the interest at the moment in the First World War and remembrance, perhaps also worth noting the dates of the establishment of the war memorial in front on St John’s and the Garden of Remembrance in Broomfield Park. Finally, when the school in Fox Lane closed and was sold for housing, it was not Southgate County any more. That school had moved to its new site in Cockfosters in the 1960s – for its last 20 years the Fox Lane School was part of Minchenden School.

Thanks Martin and quite right too, will sort that. If there is anything you ever want to write about for the site, I would love to print it by the way. Sounds like you have loads of local knowledge. All best Sue

Hello Margaret Chase, I may have a photo I took of the houses in the late 50’s i’ll do my best to send it.

Hello Suzanne: I am researching the Skinners Almshouses and came across reference to them on your great website. I was wondering if you might have any additional information on the almshouses, can recommend any other websites. Thanks very much.

Having recently discovered that my great great grandfather’s widow Phoebe was a resident of the Skinners Almhouses in the 1911Census I would love to know [a] what criteria would she need to qualify for residence at the Almhouses other than being a widow and [b] whether you have any photographs taken of the Almhouses that I might include in biographical background notes? As I am a pensioner and living in Scotland I am unable to my research in person anything you can do to help would be appreciated.

Patricia Bentley, re Skinners Alms Houses: I may have a photograph I took in the late 50’s of the Skinners Alms Houses, I’ll do my very best to find it, copy & send it .
Regards David .

Did you know that Walker Gray was the brother of Edward Gray who built Harringay House. The Taylor family you mention were another Quaker family, part of the Taylor Walker brewing dynasty. If you’re interested I have a Gray family tree – not complete but quite far advanced. Here are the Edward Gray posts in our history group – http://www.harringayonline.com/group/historyofharringay/forum/topic/search?groupId=844301%3AGroup%3A10&q=gray

We also have a fifties video of your neck of the woods which you may already have elsewhere on your site – http://www.harringayonline.com/video/southgate-in-colour-in-1951.

You may also be interested in another approach to historical timelines. http://www.harringayonline.com/page/a-harringay-timeline (embedded at eth bottom of the page). The concept has now been used to create a bridge banner for Harringay bridge – http://www.harringayonline.com/forum/topics/update-on-the-harringay-bridge-banner

The website is a very good idea! Seems not work very well if the www address is typed into the address box in Internet Explorer. I had to get to it via Google search.
I live at 75 Derwent Road and it was 75 not 73 that the small plane crashed on in 1912.
I have a photo if you’d like.

James Birtwistle

Hi James

I will correct that now, thank you very much. There arent many people who can say that they have had a plane crash into their house and the pilot smoke a cigarette while waiting to be rescued!!! I would love a photo to put up onto the site, thank you! And really glad you liked the site so far. Contributions always very very very welcome if there is something you fancy writing too….

all best

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