F to L

The Fairway

  • Firs Farm was situated just north of The Fairway, on the east side of Firs Lane with lands extending north and east (hence Firs Farm School). The farmhouse was demolished in 1927.

 Fairbrook Road

 The Firs

  • The Firs wends its way from Hedge Lane to Winchmore Hill and the junction with Shrubbery Gardens.
  • Alan Dumayne, writing in the mid 1980s remembered it in the past as ‘a quiet country lane bordered by grass verges, ditches and overhanging trees’
  • It is named after The Firs, the great estate of the Lake Family, governors of the Hudson Bay Company.  The Firs was demolished in the 1820s to make way for Bunces farm.

 Ferndale Avenue

 Fox Lane

  • One of Palmers Green’s most ancient roads. According to Gary Boudier, Fox Lane is thought to take its name from a family who lived on a site roughly at the western end of the road in the 14th Century.
  • Paul Scott lived at no 130

Green Lanes

  • At 7.5 miles, Green Lanes is one of the longest roads in London. Its also one of London’s oldest routes, originally a cattle driving route leading from Hertfordshire to Smithfield. Today it begins at Newington Green in Islington and ends at Masons Corner Winchmore Hill.
  • As you follow the map away from London, the name Green Lanes comes and goes. In  N22, it becomes Wood Green High Road, returning to Green Lanes again as the postcode changes to N13 just after Lascotts Road.
  • There is an empty plot where nos 1-3 Green Lane presumably once stood, making Sirwan Stores at no 5 the first shop on the western side.
  • The National Westminster Bank at No 288 is described by Pevsner et al in The Buildings of England (London 4: North) as ‘ a triumphant essay inrusticated brick, with purple and red brick designs’. It was built by Arthur Sykes in 1913.
  • Pevsner also writes appreciatively of the parade on Green Lanes leading up to Devonshire Road. Also by Sykes, it was built in seven stages between 1909 and 1913. “Free Tudor with plain Voyseyish details, an unsual choice. Roughcast wall enlivened by bay windows, and an effecive skyline of gables, steep roofs and chimneystacks.”
  • Until 1938, Westlakes was the site of “Ye Old Thatched Cottage”, a local landmark. Alan Dumayne says that the mere mention of the Cottage would bring a faraway look of sweet remembrance into old Palmers Greeners eyes. It had been built in the late Eighteenth Century by the Governor of the Bank of England Thomas Lewis as a lodge to The Lodge which once stood on the east side of Green Lanes. The Cotage lost its rustic gardens to the widening of Green Lanes in 1906 and had began to look a little sorry by 19011 when it was purchased by Percy Whellock, who had it as a garden shop and nursery (there were two acres of ground behind). It was demolished to make way for a branch of Burton’s gentleman’s tailors in 1938. .

 Grenoble Gardens

 The Grove

 Grovelands Road.

  • The first meeting place of the future congregation of St Monicas, who were forced to find new premises after complaints from the neighbours who cited the protective covenant on the road. According to Alan Dumayne, the congregation moved to Hazelwood House on Green Lanes, now demolished, before finding their final home and building the church on Green lanes.

 Hamilton Crescent

 Harlow Road

  • Built on the lands of Firs Farm following its demolition in 1927

 Hawthorn  Ave

 Hazelwood Lane

 Hedge Lane

  • Hedge Lane was once a continuation of Edmonton’s Silver Street. Henrietta Cresswell describes the rural journey along the full length of Hedge Lane by horse bus circa 1858, passing the hay ricks of Huxley Farm, going over the New River Bridge and on into Palmers Green
  • The rib, thighbone and tooth of a woolly mammoth was found with other parts of a skeleton in Hedge Lane in 1909.

 Huxley Place

 Kelvin Ave

Kingsley Road

 Lakeside Road

 Lightcliffe Road

 Lister Gardens

 Lodge Drive

 Lytton Road

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