Helium bread was one of the exciting delicacies offered at Goodall’s in Park Parade Palmers Green in the first years of the 1900s.
Leading medics of the day were testifying to its health benefits, including the King’s physician. And if you hadn’t tried it you were missing out, declared The Recorder in the housewives column of its first issue in November 1907.
I tried a four days’ old loaf the other day, and found it as moist as a few hours’ old household. There is no crust, merely a thin crisp coating. The shape of the loaf is such, that delightful pieces of toast can be made.
It was perfect for afternoon tea too, and look! no waste:
There is one thing about the bread: there never will be any waste; no odd crusts to throw to the birds.
Goodall’s version with added currants was, apparently, was particularly tasty.
Neither of Goodall’s loaves were the best thing since sliced bread however. That wasnt invented until 1912.
The Recorder was published from 1907 to 1916. A searchable disc containing all 170 issues is now available from Southgate District Civic Trust