Art and Culture Community

Talkies presents award winning film at the Dugdale

Talkies Community Cinema takes over the Dugdale Centre once more on Tuesday evening.

This week’s film is the challenging, multiple award-winning Lore. Released last year, the Australian made film tells the story of the children of an SS officer father and mother in the immediate aftermath of the second world war as they are forced to make their own way north across a devastated Germany led by the eldest sibling, 14-year-old Lore. On their way they are forced to confront the realities of their Nazi parents’ beliefs.

A holocaust film like no other, the Independent described it as an outstanding piece of work, and particularly praised its amazing cinematography.  BFI made it their film of the week.

The film is in German, with English subtitles. Tickets are £5; the evening starts at 7.30. Book here.

View the Lore trailer below


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