
That was December in Palmers Green – a round up of news and events this month

Our big Christmas present this month was news, via North London Newspapers, that plans for a major waste incinerator plant at Pinkham Way had been shelved due to lower waste projections. However, we aren’t out of the woods, or the North London Waste Authority aren’t out of ours….there are still plans to use the site for delivery, sorting and transferring waste, and the withdrawal for plans for Pinkham Way is still dependent on a scheme at Advent Way, Edmonton receiving planning permission.

Winchmore Hill’s St Nicholas Fair was a huge success, with real snow, horse and carriage rides and a petting zoo including a porcupine  (which are much bigger than you might imagine!). Meanwhile the N21 Festival inspired book,  Journey Through Winchmore Hill Past and Present sold out within a week. No plans for reprinting I am afraid, so if you’ve got one, you already have a collector’s item.

Palmers Green’s Aroma Patisserie was named the best independent bakery in London as part of the ITV  series Britain’s Best Bakery. Unsurprisingly their speciality bake as part of the competition was Baklava, but we also recommend the lovely kolouri, slightly honey flavoured with sesame seeds and lovely just served warm with butter. The kindly Aroma folk will also gently correct your accent for you without laughing if you aren’t sure how to pronounce the names of any of their produce. You can view some of the series here

The cash mob mania grows. Pioneered in the area by Bowes and Bounds Connected and the folks over at Haringey Online, cash bearing mobs hit the Big Green Bookshop in Wood Green in December, and up in Enfield, Karen Mercer of My Coffee Shop got the north of the borough to develop a veritable mobbing habit. She gave a terrific interview about Enfield’s ‘shock cash mobs’ on BBC News back in November – if you missed it, click here.

In another part of the woods, audio recordings were found of the Wall Family of New Southgate celebrating Christmas, with the earliest from 1904. More soberingly, we also reported on the food bank set up by Palmers Green United Reformed Church as part of the Trussell Trust. We may all be feeling the pinch but life is getting very tough indeed for some of our neighbours. Please give what you can.

And finally, Susana Buuron became the 100th person to ‘like’ Palmers Green Jewel in the North on Facebook (!/PalmersGreen). Thanks Susana!

And thank you so much too, to everyone who has visited the site this year, sent in pictures and ideas, and given so much encouragement and support. We felt Palmers Green deserved a website to celebrate what makes it special. Not something commercial but something that celebrates our history, community, and people. Its been great, a lot of fun and we have met some fantastic people.

And so on into 2013…!  Happy New Year, and don’t forget to send me your contributions.

Sue from PG

ps nearly forgot, a final reminder about Floating Lanterns in Broomfield Park tomorrow Sunday 30th December, from 2 to 3.30. Come and float your home made boats, and find out more about coming events and plans for the house and park.  Floating lanterns pic by kind permission of Hugh Humphrey

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