Primary sources

The Recorder. The Recorder was published from 1907, stopping suddenly in 1916. You can view issues at Enfield Local History Archive, and, new for 2012, they can also be purchased in their entirely on disc from Southgate Civic Trust. Visit the Trust website for further details of how to order and a list of their other publications. 

Southgate County School Magazine. Bar the very first, all issues of the Southgate County School Magazine from 1910 to 1968 appear on the school website. They make fascinating reading.

Ordnance Survey Maps 1867 onwards – viewable in the local studies section of Enfield Library

Kellys Directories Kellys published yearly directories covering residents and businesses. A complete set can be viewed at Enfield Local History Archive (the Guidhall Library also has copies of every Kelly’s directory ever published). If you want to know who lived in your house in times past, it’s a great place to start.

One reply on “Primary sources”

Hi I wish to look at the Kelly’s trade directory for the early 1960 for Ernest Scott of John Scott & Son 3 Lincoln Avenue N.14, builders, can anyone help me as I worked for them, I want to know who insurers were, as I have Asbestosis. Thanks Roger.

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