
Do you remember Colin Fisher?

We recently had an email from Bente Dalsbaek who is trying to trace members of her family from when they lived in Palmers Green in the 1970s. Can you help?

I am writing to you in search for information about a Colin Russell Fisher, born in 1929 who lived at 89 Lakeside Road, The Larches, Palmers Green in the mid 1950’s for a unknown time period.
I am currently researching for my book about my grandmother, who left for London in the 1950’s to work as a housekeeper and to be with her then later husband Colin Russel Fisher, a merchant seaman, whom she met at one point in Copenhagen.
In Denmark, where I am from, she left behind a son (my father) from a previous marriage. He was no  secret in the new marriage, but remained in Copenhagen with his grandmother.
Colin Fisher and my grandmother, Bente Sjogren, returned briefly to Copenhagen to marry in the summer of 1956. Then they returned to London, where they bought a house in The Larches, Palmers Green together with Colin Fisher’s parents as I understand it.
I have some letters from around that time, describing the move and the area. Sometime around 1960 (when my father was around 15) the contact stopped.
I learned from research that my grandmother had died in 1970, aged 45 in Essex. However, it has been difficult to find out what happened in the aprox. ten years between 1960 and until her death.  And to locate Colin Russell Fisher, of whom I only have the above mentioned bits and pieces of information.  
Perhaps you know somebody who lived on that road in that period of time? Or anyone that you may imagine could know? I know my grandmother at one point started to work in a hospital instead of housekeeping, but I am not sure if it is a local hospital.
I have also contacted the Enfield Walking Team since I found a Colin Fisher on their team, when they broke a world record in 1977. But if it is the right Colin Fisher, I do not yet know.
At the moment I am trying to come as far as I can on the Internet, before I visit the UK and try to walk in my grandmothers footsteps, trying to imagine her life.
I will appreciate any directions you could give. My father, now age 74, is following my research with great interest and I hope to be able to provide him with some answers as well.

2 replies on “Do you remember Colin Fisher?”

I left London @ the end of 1959 & unfortunately did not mknow your family. Leslie Segeal from Princes Av. Palmers Green.

Suggest you try the archives for electoral list , I think now based at Kew , near Teddington.Good luck.

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