Art and Culture Green Palmers Green History Palmers Green Spooky stories

Organisers down play ‘scream’ incident at festival

paper_found_with_scrollOrganisers of the Palmers Green Festival have reluctantly admitted that a handbill unearthed in the Town Hall, telling of the ancient rituals once used to keep evil at bay, was stolen from the Palmers Scream stall at the festival this weekend. The document had previously been on display at Baskerville’s, where staff had reported a number of mysterious visitors.

“The theft goes to show the necessity of as many Palmers Green people as possible supporting the Palmers Scream event on 31 October” said a spokesman who asked to remain anonymous. “Only through assembling together with a sense of joy can we overcome mysterious forces which are clearly still at work.”

“Plus it’s a free event which means that you can have a cracking night out with the kids on Halloween without having to go trick or treating.”

For more information about the October event, the missing manuscript, and tales of mystery about the area, visit


2 replies on “Organisers down play ‘scream’ incident at festival”

Melanie, the creativity of 200 children inspired to write their own stories, a free family event in the park, lots of local organisations and individuals voluntarily involved in entertaining children, perhaps hundreds of families having fun as a creative alternative to the dreaded trick or treat …is this not enough to just enjoy as an adventure in community spirit?

Don’t be such a stick in the mud! – have fun and join in the sprit of the initiative…..just contact the Palmers Scream website.

I was interested to hear of the recent (April 2015) findings of the Palmers Scream documents found in the Town Hall of Palmers Green by the builders and since then have not seen any evidence to its originality. This document, like many historical documents found, should have been sent for authenticity to a museum, it has not been, but has ended up at The Baskerville Tea Room and since then the bill part of the scroll has been stolen?

I have been carefully investigating the links between local story tellers, authors, estate agents, play writes and theatre and see that there is a huge link which helps market all of these people and their professions.

Is this all therefore one big falsehood? and the scroll, the whole story made up to promote everyone involved and highlight an entertainment day at Broomfield Park for Halloween.

Please let me know the truth of this find (the story of the 21st witches) and if this is true history or made up and what the authenticity of the scroll actually is.

If I am confused about local history, what is fact and what is indeed fiction then how can there be any hope to help children understand the true history of where they live. If this is all a huge joke then I find it all of very bad taste from the Palmers Scream website which has been linked from the Palmers Green website. The stories written for children by the authors, and made into a book free for school children, some of which the stories are not of good taste at all. Surely these stories should have been read by some education authority before being sent to the schools. False history does not help children learn the real history of their area especially the story of the palmers green triangle toilets! I have never read anything so awful and badly written! What is Palmers Green becoming, the church are backing up these people also and backing up Halloween. Ridiculous!

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