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Is it all over for the Green Dragon?

News is coming through this morning that Enfield Council has turned down an application for the Green Dragon pub in Winchmore Hill to be registered as an Asset of Community Value.

The pub closed a few months ago and the lease was put up for sale. Since then, a bargain shop has opened in part of the building.

There has been a Green Dragon on or near the site for nearly 300 years, and following the closure an online petition was set up on the website 38 degrees, attracting nearly 5000 signatures from local people.  Apparently the owner of the site has told the Council that they will be putting forward a full retail and residential application in due course. It’s a frustrating outcome – is it the end for the Green Dragon, and are any of our landmarks safe from developers?

An application for The Fox to be registered as an Asset of Community was submitted to Enfield Council a few weeks ago. Will it fare any better? To read more about the application click here 

4 replies on “Is it all over for the Green Dragon?”

The council may as well ban Christmas and abolish teaching English history in the schools. Anything to destroy culture and heritage.

The Green Dragon PH in Winchmore Hill was a huge place which I remember well from my old Scouting days at the 5th Southgate Group in Compton Road. Some of us would cycle down to the Fish & Chip shop alongside the Green Dragon on a Friday evening, to buy chips before going home.
The Fox PH in Palmers Green was where Joan Webb & I had our Wedding Reception on 7th August 1971 after getting married in St Monica’s Church. I recall that an Aunt of mine was taken to hospital from the reception feeling unwell – maybe it was the food?
Joan had been a teacher at Hazelwood Junior school before us being married.
We moved away from London in 1971 to South Woodham Ferrers, and then to Carlton, Bedford in 1975 where we still live

That is devastating and unbelievable news! Is the area going to be stuffed with housing, with nowhere to go for the residents and not enough facilities? Especially hospitals and services. That’s aside from historical reasons for saving the pub. Little hope for The Fox succeeding in that appeal now then! Very sad and annoying that Enfield Council are still hand-in-glove (allegedly) with money hungry developers! 🙁

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