Art and Culture Bowes Park History Music Shops

Bizarre Bowes Park for the “interesting and nice”

Bizarre Bowes Park image Peter Berthoud

Award winning tour guide Peter Berthoud of Discovering London repeats his Bizarre Bowes Park walk at the weekend

Peter promises that the tour will take in “Ovi the dinosaur, an odd collection of eagles, London’s most interesting underpants, and a ramshackle “pop-up” church that has recently been saved and  look at some interesting late Victorian and Edwardian architecture.” It will also include a stop off for a drink in one the area’s most interesting bars, an exploration of Bowes Park’s musical links and a chance to view the most disturbing window display in the entire city.

Peter has  introduced an entertaining pricing system for this walk, and that alone is worth clicking through to make a booking.

The walk is on Sunday 30 September from 11-2 and starts at Bowes Green tube station.

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