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Waste plan ruled ‘legally unsound’

Could there at last be some good news on Pinkham Way?

In two separate decisions in the last few days, inspectors have found the North London Waste Plan (NLWP) legally unsound, and Haringey’s bid to redesignate Pinkham Way as an industrial site has failed.

On Friday, the NLWP inspector ruled that the submitted plans for Pinkham way were legally unsound because north London councils had failed to cooperate with their adjacent boroughs outside the capital, who receive a proportion of their waste. The NLWP, which fixes a waste strategy for the seven north London boroughs for the next 15 years, has been more than five years in the making.

Representations from local residents that the Pinkham Way site should not be redesignated as an industrial site were also supported, following a hearing in August.

While this is promising news, the battle is far from over and campaigning and fundraising activity must continue, says Bidesh Sarkar, chair of the Pinkham Way Alliance.

“The North London Waste Authority are very advanced on a huge procurement process that’s separate from the waste plan. With the Pinkham Way preparation already done, they’ll have nothing to lose by pushing on with the planning application if at all possible.”

The next Alliance fundraising event will be a performance by soprano Dame Emma Kirkby on Sunday 7 October Further details will be available on the Pinkham Way Alliance website  shortly, or check our events listings for updates.

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